Bienvenue au Forum canadien pour l'innovation sociale!

La prochaine édition du Forum canadien pour l’innovation sociale sera organisée par l’Université Dalhousie à Halifax, du 2 au 4 juin 2025.

Since 2022 the Canadian Forum for Social Innovation is convening stakeholders from higher education, the social sector, municipal, provincial and federal governments and community nonprofits for panels, catalyst roundtables, deliberative dialogues and concertation workshops. Building on emerging consensus and a wealth of additional evidence, and  with the support of valued partners, the guidance of its advisory committee, and the stewardship of the Canadian Collaborative of Society, Innovation and Policy @McMaster University, the Canadian Forum for Social Innovation convenes a national dialogue around key issues around social prosperity and wealth-generating innovation.

En 2024, le Forum canadien pour l’innovation sociale a mis à profit des méthodologies prospectives de co-conception et de rétroploation dans une série d’ateliers délibératifs à Toronto, Ottawa/Wakefield, Montréal et Calgary, et a recueilli les contributions de 95 acteurs clés pour structurer le problème, élaborer une vision et peaufiner les jalons proposés pour créer une feuille de route pour l’écosystème d’innovation du Canada.

En juin 2024, 125 délégués et participants ont collaboré pour identifier les priorités, s’approprier la vision, fixer les priorités, identifier les acteurs à impliquer, réfléchir aux mécanismes nécessaires pour promouvoir une action concertée et initier l’élaboration d’un plan d’action.

Roadmap for Canada’s Social Innovation Ecosystem
The Canadian Forum for Social Innovation is leading a national dialogue that will leverage co-design and backcasting methodologies to generate a Roadmap for Canada’s Innovation …
Innovation by Design
The McMaster University Innovation by Design Roundtables are part of 13 consultations hosted at universities across Canada between December 2023 and February 2024. They are …
The/La Collaborative
A multi-institutions network led from McMaster University dedicated to enhancing social sciences, humanities and arts’ contribution to innovation through campus to community partnerships. discover the/la …
Canadian Forum for Social Innovation. Consensus Report.
As we move beyond the linear economic model of economic growth into a circular economy paradigm informed by Sustainable Development Goals and requiring high capacity …
Un aperçu du Forum 2024
The second national convening of the Canadian Forum for Social Innovation will be hosted by the Université de Montréal, 11-12 June 2024.
The panel built on emerging alignment and concertation efforts around the Canadian Forum for Social Innovation to inform discussion on strategy and policy from the …
Discussion Paper. Canada’s Social Innovation Ecosystem
While social innovation is not a new concept, as a field of practice it has matured. Social innovation approaches are designed to address complex challenges, …
Discussion Paper. Skills for Inclusive and Collaborative Innovation
What Skills and Knowledge do scientists require to promote an ideal of scientific integrity that is compatible with increased trust and social acceptance of science? …