The Canadian Forum for Social Innovation aims to advance Canada’s innovation agenda by creating alignment and exploring key actions on policies and practices that build capacity for innovation across all zones of impact: social, cultural, environmental and economic. As a social learning exercise, the Forum is designed to facilitate cross-sectoral conversations around priority actions to […]
Category: Think Tank
Roadmap for Canada’s Social Innovation Ecosystem
The Canadian Forum for Social Innovation is leading a national dialogue that will leverage co-design and backcasting methodologies to generate a Roadmap for Canada’s Innovation Ecosystem.Four deliberative workshops will take place in April and May 2024 in Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal and Calgary, and the exercise will culminate with the second edition of the Canadian Forum for Social Innovation in Montréal on 11-12 June 2024.
Innovation by Design
The McMaster University Innovation by Design Roundtables are part of 13 consultations hosted at universities across Canada between December 2023 and February 2024. They are designed to engage emerging researchers in discussions on the role of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) in advancing Canadian innovation and intended to shape Canada’s innovation strategy.
The/La Collaborative
A multi-institutions network led from McMaster University dedicated to enhancing social sciences, humanities and arts’ contribution to innovation through campus to community partnerships.
The panel built on emerging alignment and concertation efforts around the Canadian Forum for Social Innovation to inform discussion on strategy and policy from the perspectives of institutional enablers in the social innovation ecosystem.
Discussion Paper. Canada’s Social Innovation Ecosystem
While social innovation is not a new concept, as a field of practice it has matured. Social innovation approaches are designed to address complex challenges, and this capacity has increasingly attracted the attention of policy, education and research stakeholders. Global challenges and complex, wicked social problems require solutions that recognize the multiple layers of an […]
Discussion Paper. Skills for Inclusive and Collaborative Innovation
What Skills and Knowledge do scientists require to promote an ideal of scientific integrity that is compatible with increased trust and social acceptance of science? What do we know about current practices of university-based scientists when it comes to participating in policy processes?
Inventory of Community-Focused Knowledge Mobilization Practices in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.
Knowledge mobilization in the social sciences, humanities and arts (SSHA) is the subject of a growing body of literature and policy discussions. “Inventory of Models and Practices in Community Focused Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts” examines the current state of community-focused SSHA knowledge mobilization, understood broadly enough to include all aspects of scholarly activity that […]
Building Capacity for Innovation in the Social Sector
Creating the ideal conditions for campus- community innovation partnerships requires an accurate understanding of the issues at play. It requires an adequate appreciation for both the assets and the needs of social sector organizations regarding their capacity.